Settlement Agreements - Aquabridge Law

Have you been asked to sign a settlement agreement?

If you have been offered a settlement agreement at work, getting expert advice is a legal requirement.

But not all advice is equal – getting the right advice, from an expert employment lawyer acting in your interests, is essential. 

Amy Leite and her Aquabridge Law team have over 10 years’ experience in ensuring that their clients secure the best deal and terms possible. Her pragmatic approach means the whole process can be completed quickly and efficiently.

If you require urgent advice on a settlement agreement, we can often arrange for you to be advised on the terms and effect of the agreement, within 24 hours.

A settlement agreement is an agreement between you and your employer where your employer offers to compromise any claims you may have against it either during your employment, or more commonly, as part of an agreed exit from the business.

This agreement sets out the agreed terms for settlement/exit including any money to be paid to you in compensation and under the terms of your contract (such as accrued holiday pay and notice) in exchange for you agreeing not to pursue any employment related claims you have.

 You do not have to sign the agreement unless and until the terms are agreed by you.

If you do not sign the agreement you either remain employed (if the agreement is surrounding an exit from the business) or, if your employment has already terminated, you are entitled to pursue any claim you have against your former employer.

If you do sign the agreement, you will have obligations such as confidentiality and to return property to the employer. You will be paid any settlement sum and you will waive your rights to bring employment related claims against the employer (except for a very small list of exceptions).

Probably nothing at all.

Your employer will usually pay a contribution to your legal fees for us to explain to you the terms and effect of you signing the agreement. We can usually work within the employer’s contribution to your legal fees unless there are extensive negotiations or changes to the document because you are unhappy with the deal being offered.

Yes, we can usually work within the deadlines your employer has set to get the agreement completed, in some cases within 24 hours.

Why choose Aquabridge to review your agreement?

What should I do now?

Contact Amy now, either over the phone (01245 206341), or by filling in the short form below.

We will arrange for you to send over your draft agreement, then schedule a telephone conference (or face to face meeting if you prefer) at a time that suits you.

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Contact Amy today to review your settlement agreement

Call Amy on 01245 206341 or fill in the short form below: