franchisee legal solutions - Aquabridge Law

Are you thinking of buying a Franchise?

Expert advice is critical to success

Our nationwide, expert franchise law team offers a variety of fixed fee franchise agreement review services, from written reports to telephone conferences or meetings to run through the draft franchise agreement with you.
Receiving the right advice from a franchise law expert at the outset is critical to getting the most out of your franchise business.
Our franchise solicitor has specialised in advising franchisees for the last 10 years and has, during this time, reviewed and advised on hundreds of franchise agreements in a wide variety of sectors from pet care, cafes, takeaways and restaurants, child and toddler services to drainage, oven cleaning and domiciliary care franchises.
Our franchise agreement review services are widely praised as being amongst the most comprehensive services available in the UK.
We often help our franchise clients negotiate clarifications or variations to the franchise agreement and we ensure, as part of our service, that our clients ask the
franchisor the important preliminary questions.

Are you an existing Franchisee and need advice?

Expert advice is critical to achieving your aims

Our franchise team has considerable practical experience in advising franchisees throughout the UK and has advised hundreds of franchisees on:
  • Franchise disputes
  • Derogation from grant
  • Misrepresentation
  • How to get out of a franchise agreement
  • Renewals, renewal agreements and disputes concerning renewals
  • Breach of franchise agreements
  • Future planning and exit options
  • Selling a franchise business
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Employing people
We offer initial fixed fee advice by telephone conference, email or in a meeting and can provide advice wherever you are in the UK. 
Our advice is praised as being straightforward, cost effective and comprehensive.

“Amy has a deep knowledge of this specialist corner of the law, expressed through clear, commercially focused advice and a willingness to go the extra mile for the client.”

Mark Stephens - Barrister

“Undeniably a fighter and unquestionably an impressive franchise law specialist.”

Paul Strelitz - Barrister

Contact us today to discuss your franchise questions