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Blog & News

Estate planning for business ownersfeatured image

Estate planning for business owners

17th January 2020 by Aquabridge Law

For many business owners the day-to-day running of the business can be all-consuming, meaning that contemplating the risks to the business that would arise in the event they should lose mental capacity, or die, naturally tend to fall down the priority list. None of us enjoys confronting our own demise, but most of us recognise… read more

Business owners and social media liabilityfeatured image

Business owners and social media liability

13th November 2019 by Aquabridge Law

Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn have become essential to how we communicate in the modern world, both from a personal and a commercial perspective. For business owners, however, social media use can pose significant risks that may not be readily apparent. Here are three key types of risk that we think business… read more

Four key points for franchise fulfilmentfeatured image

Four key points for franchise fulfilment

10th September 2019 by Aquabridge Law

How to give your franchise a better chance of success by bearing these four key points in mind when reviewing your Franchise Agreement. In the excitement of embarking on a new franchise business, it’s easy to overlook the importance of the terms you’re being offered. Yet the franchise agreement lays out all your obligations and… read more

Three things you should know before signing a commercial property leasefeatured image

Three things you should know before signing a commercial property lease

15th July 2019 by Aquabridge Law

A commercial lease should offer balanced protection for landlord and tenant, but many properties and leases contain potentially painful features. You’d be surprised how many businesses sign off on a lease – even for six figure rents – without ever reading through the terms. People have come to think of them as standard documents, but… read more

What to do if you’re unhappy with your franchise businessfeatured image

What to do if you’re unhappy with your franchise business

9th March 2019 by Aquabridge Law

Running a successful franchise is never easy, but franchise companies can make it harder work than it should be. Before you confront the franchisor directly, or do anything else, read this, and call us. Unfortunately, having problems with a franchise or franchise agreement is far more common than it should be. Even if you’ve done… read more

Things change, people changefeatured image

Things change, people change

15th February 2019 by Aquabridge Law

Business partners don’t always share the same ideas, but one thing everyone should agree on is a shareholders’ agreement. In the realm of the probable for any business shareholder differences loom large. However agreeable everyone may be at the outset, differences often emerge over matters that can be vital to the business, its growth and… read more

Can your business run without you?featured image

Can your business run without you?

8th February 2019 by Aquabridge Law

Let’s be clear right from the off, we’re not talking about holidays here. This is a life and death case study about a sole shareholder and director of an engineering company who was killed in a skiing accident. But that was only the beginning… The client died without a will in place and left a… read more